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Reaching Women.

Restoring Lives.

Redeem Outreach works to reach women who want to get free of exploitation, homelessness, and/or addiction by connecting them with programs and resources, helping them to rebuild their lives.

Redeem Outreach for human trafficking 

The Facts

Statistics about sex trafficking globally.

Sex trafficking is a $150 Billion/year industry.

Statistics about sex trafficking nationally.

22,326 Victims and Survivors in the U.S. were identified in 2019

Statistics about sex trafficking locally in Columbus Georgia.

Georgia has the 7th highest number of human trafficking cases in the U.S. (2024)

This is a critical issue in our city—we,
the Church, should be the first responders.
But How?

Led by people rescued from addiction, prostitution, and/or sex trafficking, Redeem Outreach has pioneered ways to help break the cycle


Outreach teams go out monthly to connect with women.


Women are connected to long-term programs to begin to build thriving lives.


The boutique is a safe place for women to receive clothes, prayer, and Bible study.

Help Break the Cycle

Although homelessness, addiction, and sex-trafficking are daunting issues, we believe they can be positively affected in our city if we confront it together—one person at a time.


Join the Redeem Outreach Team to:

  • Get trained and join us in the streets

  • Write encouraging cards

  • Assemble beauty bags

  • Cook a meal


Volunteer at the Redeem Boutique:

  • Donate clothes, hygiene products, and journals

  • Sorting and organizing

  • Appointment facilitation

  • Community advocate


Intercede at Harvest Prayer Room, ministering to and seeking the Lord for His justice to issues of homelessness, addiction, and sex-trafficking:

  • Pray with us

  • Lead a prayer set 

Cindy embracing a human trafficking survivor at Redeem Outreach
Redeem Outreach Restoring Lives Icon
Redeem Outreach human trafficking survivor gathering.
  • Human trafficking is the use of force, coercian or fraud to obtain some type of labor or sexual act.

  • Many times, the victim is psychologically manipulated into this lifestyle. They can be bound by fear of leaving due to familial or personal threats or they could even develop stockholm syndrome with their captor. In every situation there is a level of trauma that dibilitates the ability to make the decision to run.

  • A victim of trafficking can vary but most of them will not have any personal items on themselves, may look like they havent showered, wont look you in the eyes, and may be under the influence of drugs. If you suspect they are in the life of trafficking, engage with them and ask if they need help, have the human trafficking hotline number availble to give them.

  • Monthly, we send out a special team to reach women in motels and strip clubs who are involved in the sex industry locally.

    The team gives out roses with our ministry number and invite them to call if they need help. We also pray for women and share the gospel.

    Before Outreach, we gather for worship and intercession.

  • After each outreach we follow up with each and every woman who wants to receive help or to be discipled. We also invite the women to come to our Boutique to connect more with our team, receive prayer and help connecting with a program or resource to help them take a next step toward building a thriving life.