Harvest Movement Missional Network Model

Harvest Base

Over the years of following Jesus in Restoring Lives and Revitalizing Communities, a Missional Network model has developed at Harvest Movement.

The Seed

Central to the movement is the Harvest Base, an access point for worship & prayer, evangelism & mission, family & community, and kingdom business to take root.

The Soil

A Harvest Base is seeded in communal prayer & worship, training & equipping, and area-wide cross-denominational collaboration.

The Harvest

Missional initiatives are collaborative efforts to bring long-term and systemic change so people thrive and the places they live are revitalized.

Harvest Movement Missional Network Model


Take the City gathering in the early days of Harvest Movement
Take the City orginal logo


Harvest Movement began in the Spring of 2013 as a one-day event called Take the City. A collaborative endeavor, 35 individuals from diverse churches and faith backgrounds in our region came together for focused prayer, equipping, and outreach across Columbus. Our shared vision was to witness the gospel's transformative power heal a hurting and broken people and city.

Revival on the River Gathering at the amphitheater in in Phenix City Early days
Revival on the River Icon


The excitement of that day sparked a monthly gathering rhythm, and the seed of a movement was sown. To our joy, the vision was embraced by the community.

Our very first Revival on the River in April 2014 was a resounding success. Over 2,500 people representing 50+ churches attended, marking the beginning of a new, accelerated chapter for Take the City.

Ellen Chalmers on Harvest Neighborhoods Outreach
Harvest nonprofit formed


In the summer of 2015, we officially formed a non-profit organization fueled by prayer, worship, unity, and sharing the Good News of Jesus to as many places as we could reach in our community.



A group from Take the City in Columbus Georgia serve to revitalize a Harvest Home in Columbus, Georgia.

Home icon demonstrating the founding of Harvest Homes in Columbus Georgia
Harvest Homes Donated

In 2016, we had a vision to renovate homes in key neighborhoods and use those homes to house families committed to serving those areas.

In 2017, a donor gave 27 homes across the area to Take the City. Renovations began on these properties with a vision to embed leaders within these communities who were committed to restoration and revitalization.

Take the City sign being installed on the Harvest Base building in Columbus Georgia
Present day missional initiatives are thriving at Harvest Movement


In the years following, our efforts were united at a mission base on 2nd Avenue. In this donated space, we have pioneered a prayer room, coffee shop, and the Redeem Clothing Boutique that serves women in the community who are homeless, sex-trafficked, and/or in addiction.

In 2024, as new initiatives continued to emerge, all collaborative efforts were placed under the new name: Harvest Movement.

A group from Harvest Movement in Columbus Georgia traveled to Israel.
Sharing the Harvest Movement model for missional networks.


Based in Columbus, Georgia, we also share what we've learned from our own story and invest in other cities both nationally and internationally who have the same heart and passion.


Cindy Gardner Harvest Movement

Cindy Gardner

Redeem Boutique

Lilly Wing  Harvest Movement

Lilly Wing

Harvest Coffee Co.

Linda Weaver  Harvest Movement

Linda Weaver


Karissa Corpeny Harvest Movement

Karissa Corpeny

Team Coach

Sherri Foarde  Harvest Movement

Sherri Foarde

Administrative & Communications

Andrew Cowart  Harvest Movement

Andrew Cowart

Missional Network

Katherine Server Harvest Movement

Katherine Server

Local Events Coordinator, Admin

  • Passion for God - We value obeying the first commandment to love God first and do so with our whole hearts.

    Family - We value loving our families as an act of worship and recognize that, when built on love and respect, families are a representation of God’s Kingdom.

    Healthy Leadership - We value consistent growth and encouraging others in their leadership.

    Collaboration - We value working together with like-minded believers and fighting for unity through humility and grace-filled conflict resolution.

    Mission - We value living in obedience to the Great Commission and making new disciples.

    Multiplication - We value raising up others to achieve more than we ever could.

    Integrity - We value being faithful to our word and living our lives in holiness before God.

    Accountability - We value being transparent with those who are equipped to challenge and encourage us.

    Radical Faith - We value taking risks and stepping out in obedience to God's Word.

    Stewardship - We value taking great care with the people, finances, and property that God has entrusted to us.

    Simplicity - We value partnering with God’s mission with clarity and focus and intentionally avoiding unhealthy levels of busyness and distraction.

    Engagement - We value a community that is committed and resists the temptation to watch from the sidelines.

  • Our Mission at Harvest Movement is to see the Body of Christ unified and mobilized to see cities revitalized. Because of our mission we are constantly working with people from various cities, churches and denominations. While we celebrate the diversity of varying denominations and styles of worship we are passionate about upholding the standards of doctrines that are clearly laid out in God’s word, the Holy Bible. Below are a list of the essential beliefs that we hold to as a ministry.

    Harvest Movement Statement of Faith

    • We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.

    • We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

    • We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.

    • We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful people, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.

    • We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.

    • We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.

    • We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.